About us
Who are we
LINK (Local Integrated Network of Kerala IEEE Students) is an innovative concept that originated in IEEE Kerala Section in India, aimed at networking student branches in an effective way, thereby increasing the value in IEEE Student membership. LINK was formally inaugurated by past IEEE President Mr. Cleon Anderson in January 2005. Since its inception LINK has achieved tremendous results, causing an exponential increase in student branches and student activities in IEEE Kerala Section over the years. The model of link was adopted by IEEE Region 10 as R10 GINI (Global Integrated Network of IEEE Students).
Student Members
Student Branches
Student Branches
There are thousands of IEEE Student Branches throughout the world and likely one near you. It’s your connection to local professionals, academics and the IEEE organization at a large scale.
Funds & Awards
Being an IEEE Student member has its perks. You’ll have access to funds including travel grants, scholarships, awards and much more! All to support your advancement and efforts to the next level.
IEEE hosts events all year and all around the globe on topics that will surely interest you. In addition, IEEE Students hosts competitions that offer the opportunity to develop professionally.
Mentoring Support
IEEE members share their expertise with IEEE Students in the interest of the students upward mobility within their chose field. Educational tools are also available to IEEE Student members.
“Individual commitment to a group effort—that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilisation work.”
Our Societies
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IEEE Society members stay technically current, network with colleagues locally and abroad, and collaborate on research and projects with leading experts all while taking advantage of specialized opportunities.
IEEE develops communities around particular technology challenges or cutting-edge subject areas. Their areas of coverage may be general in nature, which include multi-disciplinary topics or emerging concepts. Discover which Technical Community best matches your interests.

IEEE LINK Newsletter